Science Stuff


NOAA Tides and Water.

Tide Type JPG

Dynamic Graphic – Changing Angles and Tides

Dynamic Graphic – Lunar Day

NOAA – Spring v Neap

Tide Types

World’s Most Interesting Tides

The observable rise and fall of the sea level is influenced strongly by shoreline topography, ocean currents and the distribution of the continents.


Video of Lightning Charge

  • 6:26 – 7:50 charging station from 61% – 90%
  • 9:05 charts and graphs
  • 11:40 Ford’s data (provided) comp’d to the 61-90% charge

Video of Rivian R1T Charge

  • 6:00 starts the charge at station
  • 6:30 inside display screen
  • 8:20 station v inside comps

Lightning Trim Pkg v STD/EXT Range